How Ecocycle collects and transports batteries

One of the keys to boosting recycling is to make the whole process as simple as possible.

When it comes to hand-held batteries, only a small fraction are currently recycled.

Most go into the rubbish bin, so to make it easier for people to get involved in battery recycling, Ecocycle pays a lot of attention to the logistics – the collection, transport and storage of batteries prior to recycling.

Ecocycle recycles batteries of all sizes and types, from tiny little hearing aid batteries right up to the large traction batteries that power electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). In the future, we’ll be adding home storage batteries to our list.

In the case of electric cars these batteries can weigh hundreds of kilograms, so we need to provide a range of collection solutions to suit specific battery types.

Starting small

An increasing number of retailers, such as office suppliers and supermarkets, are getting involved in battery recycling.

Typically, they will accept hand-held batteries, such as button batteries, household batteries (e.g. AAA through to C and D size), camera and phone batteries, but check the details with the retailer.

Ecocycle supports this type of battery collection by providing pre-paid 5 litre and 11 litre collection buckets. When full we collect the buckets for safe transport to our recycling depots.

Scaling up

Stepping up a size, we encounter computer and power tool batteries, batteries from the expanding fleet of eBikes, and standard 12-volt car batteries.

Depending on volume, we provide wheelie bins, stillages (small skips) or cage pallets for collection of these batteries.

We are working with large hardware outlets and auto suppliers to increase the number of collection points for these batteries.

Even a small wheelie bin full of batteries can weigh a considerable amount, so our trucks are fitted with lifting equipment to allow us to transport these types of batteries too.

The big league

It’s still early days for EV batteries, though HEVs have been around for 20 years, and an increasing number of the large, high-voltage traction batteries from cars such as the Toyota Prius are reaching the end of their working lives.

The car manufacturer usually manages primary collection of these specialist batteries. In partnership with the car companies, Ecocycle provides transport and safe storage prior to those batteries entering the recycling process.

Focus on safety

While many of the high volume batteries (mostly the small ones) can go straight into the recycling chain, some batteries need to be stored until there are sufficient numbers to make processing them economically viable. And while battery storage is generally safe, as long as some basic procedures are followed, lithium ion batteries can catch fire if not stored safely.

Ecocycle is therefore investing in a state-of-the-art storage facility that will feature highly sensitive early warning systems for prevention of fires, monitored video surveillance and automated fire suppression systems including fire-fighting foam.

Time to get on board

If your business sells batteries or anything with a battery in it, it’s time to get on board the recycling wagon. As you can see, we can scale simple solutions for the collection and storage of all types and volumes of batteries.

To find out more, give us a call on 1300 32 62 92 or fill in the form below.