Battery Recycling Calculator

Enter the weight of batteries to be recycled (in kilograms)

By recycling 0 kg of batteries, you have reduced impacts on…

kg CO2-eq
g PM2.5-eq
g C2H4-eq

Global Warming

Measured in carbon dioxide equivalence (CO2-eq).

Global warming is defined as the change in global temperatures caused by the emissions of greenhouse gases from human activity.

When released in the atmosphere, these pollutants trap heat, causing a global increase in temperature. This in turn affect the global climate, resulting in climatic disturbance, increased desertification, and rising sea levels amongst many other effects.

Your impact is measured in weight of CO2-eq emissions prevented. When you recycle, you help avoid the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Fossil Energy Demand

Measured in megajoules of energy (MJ).

Fossil fuels are extracted from the Earth crust and burned to produce energy in the form of electricity or heat. This energy powers our transportation systems, our manufacturing sites, as well as many other aspects of our economy and personal life.

Your impact is measured in the amount of fossil fuels saved when you recycle.

About these calculations

Ecobatt are delighted to have collaborated with Paul-Antoine of Australian data business, Lifecycles who prepared and sourced the scientific data. For further information visit

Trees Planted

Measured in equivalent tree planted

The number of trees planted is used as a representation of the environmental benefits of recycling. As they grow, trees absorb and store carbon dioxide. This is beneficial, as it removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. This equivalency is estimated as the amount of carbon stored by tree seedlings grown over 10 years, as estimated by US EPA.

Mineral Resources Depletion

Measured in antimony equivalence (Sb-eq)

There are a number of materials that need to be extracted and processed to manufacture batteries.

Recycling batteries recover and conserves valuable mineral resources. Your impact is measured in the weight of mineral resources saved through recycling.

Summer Smog

Measured in ethene equivalence (C2H4-eq)

Ozone is protective in the stratosphere, but on the ground level it can be harmful to humans when in high concentration. Photochemical ozone is formed by the reaction of pollutants with heat and sunlight, with the end result being summer smog.

Vehicle exhaust and machinery are significant sources of pollutants linked to summer smog formation. Your impact is measured in the amount of pollutants emissions resulting in summer smog that is avoided. When you recycle, you help reduce pollution.

Water Scarcity

Measured in litres of water equivalence (litre-eq)

Extracting and consuming water can deplete local resources, affecting the local environment as well as population. Water consumption impact available resource differently in different regions. The water scarcity indicator takes this local scarcity of water into account when measuring water consumption in the supply chain.

Your impact is measured in the volume of water consumption that is avoided. When you recycle, you help reduce the pressure on water resources.

Particulate Matter

Measured in particulate matter of a size below or equal to 2.5 microns equivalence (PM2.5-eq)

Particulate matter is a mixture of extremely small particles that are suspended in the air. Their presence can result in significant health problems, especially impacting the human respiratory tract.

Most particulate matter form in the atmosphere as a result of complex reactions of chemicals, with significant sources of pollutants being vehicles, power plants and industries. Other sources include direct emissions of particulate matter from construction sites, unpaved roads or fires.

You impact is measured in the amount of particulate matter that is avoided when you recycle.