Battery recycling helps Australian businesses meet environmental targets

When businesses set environmental targets it isn’t simply for the warm glow of doing something good for the planet. It’s also good for the bottom line.

For example, implementing the international environmental standard ISO 14001 provides benefits including a competitive and financial advantage, improved environmental performance by suppliers, and improved company reputation and the confidence of stakeholders.

As many government departments and other corporations have policies that stipulate suppliers be accredited to ISO 14001 and its counterpart, the international quality standard ISO 9001, it’s an astute business move to become accredited to these standards.

A key aspect of the environmental performance of any company is recycling, in relation to both the range and amount of materials recycled.

Recycling a couple of kilos of aluminium cans in the staff cafeteria is commendable, but the company can hardly boast about its recycling performance if it then dumps a couple of tonnes of electronic waste from the factory.

Battery Recycling An Easy Win

One of the easiest ways to get some additional runs on the recycling board is through battery recycling.

In our electronic age, and with our reliance on portable devices, we’re chewing through an enormous number of batteries; both single use and rechargeable. But all batteries eventually fail, and at present the vast majority of most types of dead batteries end up in landfill.

Think about that purely from a business point of view. Valuable resources have been dug out of the ground, refined and combined into a working battery, and then all the energy and materials that have gone into making that battery are lost again when it goes to fill a hole in the ground.

As natural sources of raw materials are depleted, we may end up relying on landfill mining for supplies.

That’s an expensive way to recover materials when they could be diverted straight to a recycling program, which is extremely simple to do.

Ecocycle offers battery collection and recycling solutions for all types and sizes of batteries. We even provide recycling certificates that document your achievements, assisting with the reporting that supports ongoing environmental accreditation.

Put It On Show

Why not kick off your battery recycling in the office? We provide 5 litre and 11 litre collection buckets for hand-held batteries that provide a visible reminder to employees that your business is serious about recycling. The cost of these buckets includes delivery, collection and recycling costs.

Increase engagement by encouraging staff to bring batteries from home, to do even more economic and environmental good.

To give your recycling credentials a boost, give us a call on 1300 32 62 92 or fill in the form below and we’ll recommend a battery recycling solution to help your business meet its environmental targets.