Sand Batteries could transform clean energy.
Four young Finnish engineers have developed a sand battery that could transform clean energy storage. Their company has evolved into a start-up, Polar Night Energy. The growing demand for sustainable energy storage and the ethical and environmental issues associated with lithium-ion batteries have intensified the search for alternatives. Among the emerging technologies aiming to revolutionize […]
The BSC calls for a national plan.
The Battery Stewardship Council has called for a national plan on used EV Batteries. Libby Chaplin, CEO of the BSC, has outlined the need for a national stewardship plan. This will complement the take back schemes that some EV car brands have adopted. The national Electric Vehicle Strategy released in April, identified the importance of battery […]
New supply chains to handle battery recycling.
New supply chains to handle battery recycling are the subject of a recent report by the McKinsey group. With the growth of electric vehicles and the resulting growth in battery production new ways to provide more stable resilient and efficient recycling over fossil fuel internal combustion engines need to be developed. The attached graph shows […]
More innovation to accelerate EV rollout.
More innovation to accelerate the EV rollout will be required if Australians are to successfully make the transition to electric cars. Undoubtedly, the fact that our cars are right hand drive compared with Europe, and the US, means supply is an issue. EV Australian Sales In the first quarter of 2023 sales of EV’s increased […]
Prices of Critical Metals impede penetration of EV vehicles in China
Prices of Critical Metals will impede the penetration of EV vehicles in China. An academic paper has highlighted the challenges with a sobering market analysis. The world-wide demand for the critical metals of lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese will put pressure both on production and pricing. Getting buy in from the world’s largest market of […]
Recycling Lithium-ion Batteries
Recycling Lithium-ion batteries is becoming a more important initiative for many of the world’s largest companies. The increasing usage of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technology means that efficiently recycling of lithium-ion is all important. New research shows that grinding up old batteries might lead to a low-energy way to recycle the lithium and other […]
Can Battery Recycling for Electric cars keep pace
Battery recycling for electric cars is not an easy business model. Whilst more US companies are interested in recycling of electric car batteries, a recent article in the New York Times exposed the pitfalls. Also, according to their research, it could be a decade or more before enough used lithium -ion batteries become available to […]
EV ownership up. Infrastructure must keep pace
This article talks about the current penetration of EV’s in the Australian market and the challenges of infrastructure when looked at from a UK perspective.