The importance of recycling EV batteries is slowly being recognised

Battery collection Container

The importance of recycling EV batteries is slowly being recognised throughout the world.  Companies along the battery supply chain are investing billions of dollars in recycling capabilities.  Furthermore, they are confronting projected shortages of the raw materials that will power the next generation of electric vehicles. Importantly, a recent article in the Financial Review outlined […]

The BSC calls for a national plan.

Recycling electric car batteries: How to recycle EV, HEV, PHEV and eBike batteries

The Battery Stewardship Council has called for a national plan on used EV Batteries.  Libby Chaplin, CEO of the BSC, has outlined the need for a national stewardship plan. This will complement the take back schemes that some EV car brands have adopted. The national Electric Vehicle Strategy released in April, identified the importance of battery […]

Australia needs recycling of lithium-ion.

Australia could lead the way with lithium-ion battery recycling, says CSIRO report

“Recycling of lithium-ion batteries is one of the most important technologies to decarbonise future society”, says Melbourne University researcher Junnan Lu.  Recent research conducted by Lu aims to recycle all materials in these batteries.  Importantly mitigating the negative environmental impact associated with the disposal of end-of-life batteries. Indeed, the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries requires a […]

Expired electric-car batteries set to be a major problem.

Expired Electric car batteries

Expired electric-car batteries are set to be a major problem from 2030.  New research by the University of Technology Sydney has revealed 30,000 tonnes of used electric vehicle batteries will enter the waste stream in Australia by 2030; Just seven years from now. Their work commissioned by Battery Stewardship Council found that: There are an […]

New supply chains to handle battery recycling.

EV car battery

New supply chains to handle battery recycling are the subject of a recent report by the McKinsey group.  With the growth of electric vehicles and the resulting growth in battery production new ways to provide more stable resilient and efficient recycling over fossil fuel internal combustion engines need to be developed. The attached graph shows […]

More innovation to accelerate EV rollout.

Charging station in the UK

More innovation to accelerate the EV rollout will be required if Australians are to successfully make the transition to electric cars.  Undoubtedly, the fact that our cars are right hand drive compared with Europe, and the US, means supply is an issue. EV Australian Sales In the first quarter of 2023 sales of EV’s increased […]

Recycling Lithium-ion Batteries

Could grinding up Lithium batteries help recycle them

Recycling Lithium-ion batteries is becoming a more important initiative for many of the world’s largest companies.  The increasing usage of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technology means that efficiently recycling of lithium-ion is all important. New research shows that grinding up old batteries might lead to a low-energy way to recycle the lithium and other […]

Recycling old batteries to work as new

Recycled battery materials can work as well as new ones

Recycling old batteries to work as new might sound unrealistic but new independent tests show it can be done.  Redwood Materials, a US specialist recycling company believes that using cathodes can revolutionise the process.  How much power a battery holds, and how long it lasts, depends on its lattice of metallic atoms-how well it can […]

Can Battery Recycling for Electric cars keep pace

Can Battery Recycling for Electric cars keep pace

Battery recycling for electric cars is not an easy business model. Whilst more US companies are interested in recycling of electric car batteries, a recent article in the New York Times exposed the pitfalls.   Also, according to their research, it could be a decade or more before enough used lithium -ion batteries become available to […]

New research into recycling lithium-ion batteries

Charging up for sustainable change.

New research into recycling lithium-ion batteries is being conducted by James Cook University (JCU) PhD Candidate, Emenike Okonkwo.  “The method I’ve developed through my research is more eco-friendly and cost effective because it reduces the quantity of toxic chemicals in the overall process of recycling lithium-ion batteries”. Okonkwo said. Okonkwo moved from Nigeria to complete […]

Decarbonizing Transportation Effectively

Lithium-ion Batteries

Decarbonizing transportation through greater use of electric vehicles is a major trend around the world.  Lithium -ion batteries are also a critical component in developing a reliable renewable energy grid.  Importantly, both sectors have a responsibility to increase the sustainability of batteries and to create a circular economy. Furthermore, according to an article in the […]

Recycling electric car batteries: How to recycle EV, HEV, PHEV and eBike batteries

Recycling electric car batteries: How to recycle EV, HEV, PHEV and eBike batteries

A growing number of car manufacturers are incorporating electricity, in various ways, into their drivetrains. This has created new classes of vehicle with different battery sizes, types and acronyms, including: EVs (electric vehicles) run purely on battery power and are recharged from external sources of electricity – usually the electricity grid. They are also referred […]

What the rise of electric cars means for battery recycling

What The Rise Of Electric Cars Means For Battery Recycling

While pure electric vehicle (EV) sales have travelled a rocky road in Australia, it’s a different story for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Just 219 EVs were sold in Australia in 2016 versus more than 12,000 new HEVs. As more electric-only vehicles with longer ranges hit the market, and as their prices come down, EV sales […]