2. Battery Steward Commitment

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1. New Customer Account Information √ COMPLETE
2. Battery Stewardship Commitment
3. Risk Assessment & Safety Plan form(s)

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B-cycle Battery Steward Commitment form
Drop-off point Code of Practice


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B-cycle Battery Steward Commitment and
Drop-off point Code of Practice

For the B-cycle community to be successful in eliminating battery waste, it is important B-cylce accredited Drop-off points provide and maintain a safe, effective environment for disposal and recycling of used batteries.

As a Battery Steward, we agree to support the objectives of the B-cycle Scheme to:
  • increase resource recovery and recycling
  • minimise the environmental, health and safety impacts of used batteries generated in Australia
  • develop Australia’s battery recycling industry and markets for battery-derived products.

B-cycle general commitments
  • Give preference to buying batteries, where appropriate, from B-cycle accredited brands and retailers, and those that contain recycled content.
  • Ensure all used batteries generated through your operations are disposed of through your B-cycle accredited Battery Collector.
  • Promote the Scheme and use B-cycle approved logo and branding consistent with the B-cycle Style Guide.
  • Comply with your legal and B-cycle requirements for quality, traceability, environment, and work, health, and safety.
  • Make accessible to B-cycle, records to demonstrate these obligations and related B-cycle procedures are being met.
  • Cooperating with Drop off point health checks as instigated by the BSC and with surveys undertaken from time to time.

Retailer commitments
  • Commit to accepting the cost of the levy from importers and manufacturers and pass on the levy to consumers.
  • Make the levy visible to the consumer through mechanisms such as Scheme branding, promotional materials, receipts, or other communications.
  • Where practical give preference to buying new equipment that contain batteries that are compliant with the relevant Australian standards and only sell batteries that are compliant with the relevant Australian standards.
  • Promote participation in the Scheme to consumers, communities, and relevant supply chain companies.

Drop off point commitments
  • Implement the Drop off point Code of Practice
  • Provide a safe Drop-off point for users. Public drop off point: [form:
  • Batteries from stockpiles are not eligible for the rebate.
  • Ensure all used batteries received at the Drop off point go to your B-cycle accredited Collector (Collector).
  • Work with your Collector to ensure the approved tracking system accurately track batteries collected for recycling.
  • Report fire and other significant battery incidents to appropriate authorities to improve understanding of safety in the collection system.

This Code clarifies your responsibilities as a B-cycle accredited Drop off point. When working with your accredited B-cycle Collector many of these commitments may already be met.

What goes in the bin – stays in the bin!
B-cycle Drop off points are required to use bins provided by your Collector who will advise you on:
  • how to safely manage your bins
  • where to locate your bins
  • how to arrange for pick up.
Drop off bin location
Work with your Collector to determine the best methods for managing your Drop off bin and making it safe and easy to receive used batteries. Depending on your risk assessment, this may include locating the bin:
  • in a safe and visible place with easy access by consumers (if for use by the public)
  • in well-ventilated areas, indoors or undercover, and away from direct sunlight or heat
  • in a fixed location, easily accessible for collection by your Collector
  • to prevent other waste being disposed of into bins.
Fire safety first
By providing a battery Drop off you are managing a small but real risk of fire. Talk to your Collector if you have concerns. This risk can be reduced by:
  • always using bins provided by your Collector
  • consistently communicating to users of the bin about the importance of protecting battery terminals prior to placing them in the bin, including the importance of: – taping the terminals of each individual battery terminal keeping the battery label visible – using clear sticky tape, non-conductive electrical or duct tape in order to prevent sparking – not taping batteries together.
Maintain your drop off bins
  • It is important to properly maintain your Drop off bins as they are often the public face of the Scheme.
  • Ensure that the bins are: – in good condition – do not have the potential to cause harm to users – are not overflowing with batteries – are regularly serviced or picked up.
  • Notify your Collector immediately if there is any damage or a reason to remove a public battery Drop off bin from its location.
Keep your Collector informed
  • Ensure your Collector is aware when your bin is full.
  • If you are concerned about the quality or safety of your drop off bin, contact your Collector to let them know.
  • If there is any change that would prevent a collection from occurring as planned at a Drop off point, you agree to notify your Collector with at least 14 days advance notice. For example: – relocating the drop off bin – relocation or closing your business – changing operating hours or access.
Bin pick up
Work with your Collector to ensure collections occur in a timely manner and any damage to a bin is fixed or the bin is replaced as soon as possible.
Evidence of collection
B-cycle accredited Collectors are required to take a geo-tagged photo of the bin collection as proof of pick up. This is to prevent fraudulent rebate claims. It is important for employees to be aware that photos may be taken. B-cycle or our independent auditors may also contact Drop off points to verify pick-ups have occurred as claimed.
Drop off point health checks
B-cycle will conduct audits of accredited Collectors that may include occasional visits to Drop off points to assess safety and management of the Drop off point services.
Risk assessment & safety plan
Work with your Collector to prepare and implement a risk assessment and safety plan that identifies hazards at your site and the means by which you will minimise these risks. A template plan is available from your B-cycle collector.
Drop off point safety training
It is important that Drop off point managers are aware of how to safely manage Drop off points. B-cycle requires accredited Drop off points to complete B-cycle Drop off Point Safety Training which can be conducted through your collector, integrated into your internal training system or via the B-cycle portal.
Need more information
Additional information on the Scheme and on battery safety can be found at www.bcycle.com.au
Thank you!
For being part of the B-cycle Community as we work to solve the battery waste problem and create a circular economy for batteries that sees no battery go to waste.